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Friday, November 17, 2006


Lately I have realized
That i've set-up my own demise
That life without you won't suffice
So please come back in my life
B'coz I can't live without you otherwise...

I apologize if I ever said anything wrong to you
But did you not realize that I was only hurting myself?
B'coz me without you is like a human without a soul
As if a human being's living without any goal...

Without your love I will sink within a shoal
With burden on my chest that I can't even fill within a hole
Dusty fires, heated arguments...while all we see are crusades...
While in reality...for your love...I never set-up any barricades

Have you ever seen a person die due to a lack of respiration?
Well then you can imagine my future if I don't reach my destination
And my destination is you...this I proudly claim
And so if there's a problem with that...then I'm the one to blame

Do you still not realize that I can't live without you?
If I can't be with you, then my life will be askew?
For your love I've spilled, blood-shedded tears as dew
Trust me, such lovers in this world, are far-fetched and few

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